#146 Lunch

Lunch is the meal you eat in the middle of your day, but that means different things to different people. It can be at noon or 4pm, a frozen burrito on a “15” at your retail job or an expensive salad scarfed at your desk between meetings. We hear lots of ideas about how to be “good” at lunch, but Daphnie wants to talk about making lunch work for your lifestyle so that you leave lunch satisfied physically and emotionally.

Links in this episode: Joanna’s Pinterest board of packable lunches, Our episode on meal planning and grocery shopping, Great container for packing lunch, Or this one has an ice pack if you don’t have a fridge, Reusable straws, Travel silverware

#119 Making Changes with Dr. Amanda Crowell

“I want to make a change, but I just can’t seem to make it happen.” Sound familiar? We’ve been there, in our work lives and our fitness lives. Dr. Amanda Crowell (cognitive psychologist and change coach) says there are three mindsets that are keeping us from making those changes, and she shares her tools for adjusting those mindsets so that we “normal people” can do the awesome things we want to do.

Links in this episode: Amanda’s website, Worksheet she talks about on the episode, Michael Jordan "Failure" commercial, Couch to 5K, Amanda on meal planning

#117 Be Less Busy

Every person you know is too busy, including you. Feeling super busy can be stressful, and it can keep you from putting your energy toward the things that matter the most. We talk about how we got so busy, what we get out of it, and how we can take things down a notch. Plus, Daphnie explains what’s wrong with a Pinterest diet in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Inbox Pause for handling email interruptionsOur episode on Couples Therapy, Diet we talk about in "This is Crazy, Right?"

#094 Shutting Down Body Shaming

A listener asks, “How do you shut down negative food talk among coworkers?” We’ve all been caught in situations where we’re uncomfortable with the way our friends and colleagues are talking about themselves, or the food they eat, or celebrities’ bodies. How can we turn those conversations around without making our friends feel defensive? By the end of the episode, you’ll have the tools to be a quiet (or loud!) warrior for body positivity.

#092 Work Meals & Business Travel

We covered staying fit at the office back in Ep. 85, but there were so many challenges that we didn’t even get to two bigs ones: Work Meals & Business Travel. How can you stay on top of your professional relationships and responsibilities without feeling like your blood is 100% alcohol? What do you do when you’re at your third work function in three days where the meal is baked ziti? Daphnie has tips to help you be a Prepared Panda. Plus, things get dark in a new segment, “So Hot Right Now”.

Links in this episode: Tickets to our LIVE SHOW, Session cocktails in GQ, Aperol spritz recipe, Rx Bars, Top 10 Travel Tips, Stay Fit at the Office Part 1

#085 Stay Fit At The Office

If you work in an office, it feels like all the chips are stacked against you in terms of feeling awesome: sitting all day, endless snacking, lack of sunlight, blech. How can we address the fitness and nutrition challenges of a 9 to 5 job without looking like a crazy person? Is sitting the new smoking? WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP BRINGING BAKED GOODS? Don’t panic, we’re here for you.

Links in this episode: Mayo Clinic on the dangers of sitting, CNET on how to set up your workstation ergonomically, Here are the laptop stand and keyboard Joanna uses, 5 apps to help with eye strain and taking breaks, Our episode on setting up an exercise routine