#162 Master the Weight Machines

Lots of us are paying for gym memberships where we show up, walk past all of the weight machines we don’t know how to use, and hang out awkwardly in a corner using hand weights. That’s fine! But if you want to up your level of gym mastery, Daphnie explains how to correctly use some of the most common machines at your gym, which ones she loves, and which are, in her words, “completely useless”. Plus: we get angry in “Rage Box”!

Links in this episode: Photos of most of the machines we mention, Ad we discuss in “Rage Box”

#146 Lunch

Lunch is the meal you eat in the middle of your day, but that means different things to different people. It can be at noon or 4pm, a frozen burrito on a “15” at your retail job or an expensive salad scarfed at your desk between meetings. We hear lots of ideas about how to be “good” at lunch, but Daphnie wants to talk about making lunch work for your lifestyle so that you leave lunch satisfied physically and emotionally.

Links in this episode: Joanna’s Pinterest board of packable lunches, Our episode on meal planning and grocery shopping, Great container for packing lunch, Or this one has an ice pack if you don’t have a fridge, Reusable straws, Travel silverware

#094 Shutting Down Body Shaming

A listener asks, “How do you shut down negative food talk among coworkers?” We’ve all been caught in situations where we’re uncomfortable with the way our friends and colleagues are talking about themselves, or the food they eat, or celebrities’ bodies. How can we turn those conversations around without making our friends feel defensive? By the end of the episode, you’ll have the tools to be a quiet (or loud!) warrior for body positivity.

#086 BBQs and Picnics

It’s the beginning of the summer BBQ and picnic season. So fun! Also, so much opportunity for food poisoning or eating an entire dinner of only tortilla chips! This week, Joanna and Daphnie have great tips for keeping your food safe at your summertime soirées, and for how to enjoy yourself without food guilt. Plus, Daphnie deals with raw food diets in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Safety info from the FDA and CDC, Rachael Ray Lasagna Lugger, Safe cooking temps for meat, Good instant-red meat thermometer, Recipe for Spinach, Almond, and Orzo Salad with Cranberries, Book Joanna mentions: Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human

#043 Guilt

Guilt is a tricky feeling. No one likes it, exactly, but we do it to ourselves all the time. Does this sound familiar? “Ugh, I can’t believe I ate all that pizza, I’m the worst. “I didn’t work out today, what a lazy bum.” “I’ll never lose weight if I keep doing that thing I keep doing!” Today, Daphnie explains how guilt actually gets in the way of our quest to be more awesome, and how dealing with feelings of guilt is one of the first, and more important, steps to a healthy lifestyle. Plus, we get a day in the life of Daphnie in “What Your Trainer Eats”

Links: Episode with Daphnie’s smoothie recipe, Amazing "This American Life" episode about fat and shaming

#012 Christmas

Christmas: the holiday that lasts four weeks. Whether you celebrate it or not, the season of cookies, parties, and disrupted work schedules can do a number on your health and fitness routine. We talk about what’s hard about the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: how to enjoy carb-y treats without food guilt, what to do at the office party, how to travel like a Prepared Panda, and what to do when you’re a guest in someone else’s house. Our christmas gift to you: a holiday without food chatter. Plus, Daphnie tells us how to make the best choice when we’re at Starbucks.

Links from this episode: Almond Kale Banana smoothie recipe, Oatmeal Cocoa Chippers recipe

#009 Thanksgiving

It’s Turkey Lurkey Time! Otherwise known as Food Guilt and Family Stress Time. Joanna and Daphnie break down how can you fully enjoy your Thanksgiving without feeling overly stuffed, or overly guilty. Are mashed potatoes really so bad? Can stuffing come from somewhere other than a box? How can I go for a Turkey Trot when I have 15 houseguests? (Answers: No! Yes! We’ll tell you!) Plus, Daphnie shares her favorite exercise for when you’re traveling.

Links from this episode: Stuffin Muffins, Joanna's favorite pecan pie recipeCranberry Sauce from scratch, Jalapeno Cheddar Corn Bread recipe , Video of rocket squats