#094 Shutting Down Body Shaming

A listener asks, “How do you shut down negative food talk among coworkers?” We’ve all been caught in situations where we’re uncomfortable with the way our friends and colleagues are talking about themselves, or the food they eat, or celebrities’ bodies. How can we turn those conversations around without making our friends feel defensive? By the end of the episode, you’ll have the tools to be a quiet (or loud!) warrior for body positivity.

#085 Stay Fit At The Office

If you work in an office, it feels like all the chips are stacked against you in terms of feeling awesome: sitting all day, endless snacking, lack of sunlight, blech. How can we address the fitness and nutrition challenges of a 9 to 5 job without looking like a crazy person? Is sitting the new smoking? WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP BRINGING BAKED GOODS? Don’t panic, we’re here for you.

Links in this episode: Mayo Clinic on the dangers of sitting, CNET on how to set up your workstation ergonomically, Here are the laptop stand and keyboard Joanna uses, 5 apps to help with eye strain and taking breaks, Our episode on setting up an exercise routine