#065RR Make a Better Resolution

It’s the first week of January. Did you make a resolution? We’re here to trash it! Just kidding, we’re actually here to help you make a better resolution so you can sustain it and feel like a rockstar instead of feeling like a garbage failure by the end of January (trust us, we’ve been there). Here’s to kickstarting sustainable change! Plus, Daphnie does her best Consumer Reports impression in our latest Listener Question.

Links in this episode: Fitness Blender free workout videosLivestrong free workout videosInfo on Daphnie's HIIT It! classes, Polar heart rate monitor under $70Garmin heart rate monitor with GPS for under $140

#149 Noom and Weight Watchers

This week we’re breaking down two diet services that are being marketed to millenials: Noom and Weight Watchers (oh, I’m so sorry, “WW”). What do they claim to be? What are they, actually? Why don’t we need them, and if we find their offers compelling, what can we do instead? Be warned, sneaky diets that are trying to pretend they aren’t diets: Daphnie and Joanna are coming for you!

Links in this episode: Christy Harrison on Weight Watchers, Information about orthorexia from the National Eating Disorder Association, Health coach Holly Toronto, Isabel Foxen Duke’s blog, Food Psych episode on the problems with weight science, Smitten Kitchen, NYT Cooking

#89RR Weird Diets We've Done

The world of fitness and nutrition is wide, and it is 90% completely insane. Totally rational people do crazy things because they saw them in a magazine or on Pinterest. Joanna and Daphnie are no exception! This week, we talk about the weirdest things we’ve ever done in the name of “health”. Then, we open things up to our listeners and things REALLY get wacky! Plus, Daphnie turns into a Green Goddess in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: National Eating Disorder HelplineNational Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine

#089 Weirdest Thing I've Ever Done

The world of fitness and nutrition is wide, and it is 90% completely insane. Totally rational people do crazy things because they saw them in a magazine or on Pinterest. Joanna and Daphnie are no exception! This week, we talk about the weirdest things we’ve ever done in the name of “health”. Then, we open things up to our listeners and things REALLY get wacky! Plus, Daphnie turns into a Green Goddess in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: National Eating Disorder Helpline, National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine

#065 Make a Better Resolution

It’s the first week of January. Did you make a resolution? We’re here to trash it! Just kidding, we’re actually here to help you make a better resolution so you can sustain it and feel like a rockstar instead of feeling like a garbage failure by the end of January (trust us, we’ve been there). Here’s to kickstarting sustainable change! Plus, Daphnie does her best Consumer Reports impression in our latest Listener Question.

Links in this episode: Fitness Blender free workout videos, Livestrong free workout videos, Info on Daphnie's HIIT It! classes, Polar heart rate monitor under $60, Garmin heart rate monitor with GPS for under $130

#034 Listener Questions

You asked, we answered! This week, we have an entire episode of listener questions. Daphnie and Joanna cover fitness and nutrition topics from tennis balls to breakfast sandwiches and everything in between. What is between a tennis ball and a breakfast sandwich, you ask? You’ll have to listen to find out!

Links in this episode: Whole 30 Review by dietitian, We're on Google Play Music now, Joanna's videos including her appearance on AndersonYoga Tune Up Balls, Melt Balls, Yoga Tune Up Youtube channel, Hip flexor stretch, Recipe for steel cut oats in the crock pot