#169 Diet Trends: Vertical Diet and Plant Paradox

Our Google search histories are littered with diet plans we were pretty sure would change our lives. So, what would we learn if we could see what diets are getting searched the most around the world? Continuing our “Diet Trends” series, we’re breaking down two diets that are popping on Google Trends, the Vertical Diet and Plant Paradox, and explaining why you don’t need to bother with either one.

Links in this episode: PureWow on the Vertical Diet, Good Housekeeping on Plant Paradox, Google Trends, More about lectins from the Mayo Clinic, Our episode on Orthorexia

#147 CBD

Everyone is talking about CBD. It’s exciting because it’s...weed...kind of? It feels a little illicit? But what is it really? It gets promoted as a miracle cure for everything, but is it even legal? Is it safe? Is it all just placebo effect? Daphnie and Joanna dig into the current research to try and clear the air.

Links in this episode: Articles Joanna used for research from the Harvard Kennedy School, NPR Shots blog, WebMD, and The New Yorker, Code Switch on marijuana and race, The New Republic on AA’s objection to using drugs to help drug addicts recover, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, Our episode about inflammation

#89RR Weird Diets We've Done

The world of fitness and nutrition is wide, and it is 90% completely insane. Totally rational people do crazy things because they saw them in a magazine or on Pinterest. Joanna and Daphnie are no exception! This week, we talk about the weirdest things we’ve ever done in the name of “health”. Then, we open things up to our listeners and things REALLY get wacky! Plus, Daphnie turns into a Green Goddess in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: National Eating Disorder HelplineNational Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine