#106 Is it OK to Want to Lose Weight?

A listener asks: in the age of body positivity and self acceptance, is it OK that I still want to lose weight? Joanna and Daphnie tackle the layers of guilt built into our relationships with our bodies and how to care for ourselves without letting worries about our bodies take over our lives. Plus, we look at another Pinterest diet in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Food Psych podcast, More on Body Neutrality, Our episode on Guilt

#089 Weirdest Thing I've Ever Done

The world of fitness and nutrition is wide, and it is 90% completely insane. Totally rational people do crazy things because they saw them in a magazine or on Pinterest. Joanna and Daphnie are no exception! This week, we talk about the weirdest things we’ve ever done in the name of “health”. Then, we open things up to our listeners and things REALLY get wacky! Plus, Daphnie turns into a Green Goddess in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: National Eating Disorder Helpline, National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine