#177 Athletes and Eating Disorders with Lizzie Briasco

We think of athletes as the healthiest people around, but unhealthy relationships with food and exercise are even more common among athletes than in the general population. Former competitive runner and Eating Disorder Dietitian Lizzie Briasco, MSc, RD, LD joins us to talk about why athletes of all ages are at risk for EDs, how to spot someone who might be suffering, and what attitude changes in athletic programs could help prevent disordered eating before it starts.

Links in this episode: Lizzie’s Instagram “The Recovered Athlete”, The Emily Program for ED treatment, NEDA resources on ED and athletes, NCAA on EDs and athletes

#177 Athletes and Eating Disorders with Lizzie Briasco
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang

#161 Orthorexia

There’s a new eating disorder in town (yay?) and just like a lot of diets, it’s masquerading as a “healthy lifestyle change”. Orthorexia, an obsession with “proper” or “healthful” eating, can be as dangerous as Anorexia or Bulimia, but it’s completely normalized in our culture. We work through how to recognize it in ourselves and others and offer some resources for recovery.

Links in this episode: More on Orthorexia from NationalEatingDisorders.org, Food Psych podcast with anti-diet RD Christy Harrison, Registered Dietitian/Intuitive Eating Coaches Laura Iu and Valery Kallen, Health Coach Holly Toronto

#161 Orthorexia
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang

#151 Isabel Foxen Duke: How to Stop Feeling Crazy Around Food

Have you ever felt like you can’t stop thinking about your food choices? Like no matter what you do, you can’t make the “right” decision? If you’ve ever started a new diet convinced it was going to change your life, or cycled through dieting and binging, or just feel like food and diets take up too much space in your brain, you’ve got to hear from Isabel Foxen Duke. Isabel tells her story and explains how she uses her own experience to help people stop feeling crazy around food.

Links in this episode: Isabel’s blog and website and email updates, Isabel’s video series Stop Fighting Food, Fat Activist Virgie Tovar, Intuitive Eating book

#151 Isabel Foxen Duke: How to Stop Feeling Crazy Around Food
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang

#149 Noom and Weight Watchers

This week we’re breaking down two diet services that are being marketed to millenials: Noom and Weight Watchers (oh, I’m so sorry, “WW”). What do they claim to be? What are they, actually? Why don’t we need them, and if we find their offers compelling, what can we do instead? Be warned, sneaky diets that are trying to pretend they aren’t diets: Daphnie and Joanna are coming for you!

Links in this episode: Christy Harrison on Weight Watchers, Information about orthorexia from the National Eating Disorder Association, Health coach Holly Toronto, Isabel Foxen Duke’s blog, Food Psych episode on the problems with weight science, Smitten Kitchen, NYT Cooking

#149 Noom and Weight Watchers
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang

#124 Love Your Body with Holly Toronto

Everyone says you should “love your body”, but that can feel impossible to a lot of us. Our guest, Health Coach Holly Toronto, has a new way to frame that idea: loving your body is releasing it from the unrealistic expectation that it has to define your worth. Holly shares her journey to body positivity and food neutrality and offers us five steps we can take toward loving our bodies as they are right now.

Links in this episode: Holly's website, Holly's Instagram, Health Coach Institute, Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, Christy Harrison's website, Our episode with Christy, Article on how Weight Watchers is targeting teens, Louise Hay mirror work

#124 Love Your Body with Holly Toronto
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang

#099 Emotional Eating

Lots of us identify as Emotional Eaters, but what does that really mean? How can we get more in touch with our hunger cues without being controlling about food? Daphnie walks us through how to think about emotional eating outside the context of weight loss and offers tips and tricks for becoming more aware of our habits.

Links in this episode: Past guest Christy Harrison's podcast Food Psych, Our episode on Mindful Eating, Refinery29 on Emotional Eating, NAMI mental health resources

#099 Emotional Eating
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang

#089 Weirdest Thing I've Ever Done

The world of fitness and nutrition is wide, and it is 90% completely insane. Totally rational people do crazy things because they saw them in a magazine or on Pinterest. Joanna and Daphnie are no exception! This week, we talk about the weirdest things we’ve ever done in the name of “health”. Then, we open things up to our listeners and things REALLY get wacky! Plus, Daphnie turns into a Green Goddess in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: National Eating Disorder Helpline, National Alliance on Mental Illness HelpLine

#089 Weirdest Thing I've Ever Done
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang

#051 Disordered Eating with Christy Harrison

This week, we welcome guest Christy Harrison to the podcast! Christy is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Dietitian Nutritionist, and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, which means she’s super qualified to talk to us about the world of eating disorders and disordered eating. We talk about why it’s so hard to get back in touch with our hunger cues, Health at Every Size, and what to do if we think a friend might be going through an eating disorder.

Links in this episode: Christy’s website, Christy's podcast "Food Psych", Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size, Essay about kids and intuition

#051 Disordered Eating with Christy Harrison
Joanna Flamm and Daphnie Yang