#177 Athletes and Eating Disorders with Lizzie Briasco

We think of athletes as the healthiest people around, but unhealthy relationships with food and exercise are even more common among athletes than in the general population. Former competitive runner and Eating Disorder Dietitian Lizzie Briasco, MSc, RD, LD joins us to talk about why athletes of all ages are at risk for EDs, how to spot someone who might be suffering, and what attitude changes in athletic programs could help prevent disordered eating before it starts.

Links in this episode: Lizzie’s Instagram “The Recovered Athlete”, The Emily Program for ED treatment, NEDA resources on ED and athletes, NCAA on EDs and athletes

#151 Isabel Foxen Duke: How to Stop Feeling Crazy Around Food

Have you ever felt like you can’t stop thinking about your food choices? Like no matter what you do, you can’t make the “right” decision? If you’ve ever started a new diet convinced it was going to change your life, or cycled through dieting and binging, or just feel like food and diets take up too much space in your brain, you’ve got to hear from Isabel Foxen Duke. Isabel tells her story and explains how she uses her own experience to help people stop feeling crazy around food.

Links in this episode: Isabel’s blog and website and email updates, Isabel’s video series Stop Fighting Food, Fat Activist Virgie Tovar, Intuitive Eating book