#138 Get Creative with Katherine Jaeger-Thomas

Creative career and business coach Katherine Jaeger-Thomas says we’re all creative beings, whether we’re professional actors, amateur painters, or parents inventing a new way to handle bedtime. We talk with her about how we can work on being more awesome by fostering creativity in our daily lives, even if we don’t have 15 (or even 5) minutes to spare.

Links in this episode: Katherine's website: KJT Coaching, Create Space Facebook group, International Coaching Federation

#065 Make a Better Resolution

It’s the first week of January. Did you make a resolution? We’re here to trash it! Just kidding, we’re actually here to help you make a better resolution so you can sustain it and feel like a rockstar instead of feeling like a garbage failure by the end of January (trust us, we’ve been there). Here’s to kickstarting sustainable change! Plus, Daphnie does her best Consumer Reports impression in our latest Listener Question.

Links in this episode: Fitness Blender free workout videos, Livestrong free workout videos, Info on Daphnie's HIIT It! classes, Polar heart rate monitor under $60, Garmin heart rate monitor with GPS for under $130

#015 Resolutions

It’s January, and we know what that means: unrealistic resolutions that suck while we’re keeping them and make us feel bad about ourselves when we fail. Forget that noise! This year, Just One More is going to help you make a resolution (or set a goal, we like that better) that you can actually keep. We want to help you stay healthy through all 12 months, not just January, and that means it’s time to ditch the diets and get some strategies for success from Daphnie. Our resolution: to help you feel more awesome inside and out this year. #NoDiets2016

Links from this episode: Bon Appetit Food Lover's Cleanse