#145 Calves

The more times you say it, the less it sounds like a word. Calves. Callllllvvvves. Caffs? The point is, we’re talking about the muscles of your lower leg. Daphnie explains the anatomy of the calves, why they’re important, how to strengthen them, and whether or not we can really change how they look. Plus: injury prevention tips!

Links in this episode: The anatomy of the calf, Video instruction on how to do calf raises, How to foam roll your calves and how to foam roll for shin splints

#126 Triceps

Triceps are the muscle that make Joanna the angriest. What do they do, anyway? Why are they so hard to tone? Can’t we just ignore them and they’ll go away? Turns out the answer is no, and Daphnie explains why with tips for building strength in the most annoying of muscles. Plus, we get some cheddar bay biscuits in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Support us on Patreon, Some good images of tricep anatomy. Form videos: push ups, tricep pushups, tricep dip, tricep kickbacks, tricep extension, tricep pushdown, tricep stretch

#120 Flexibility

Flexibility is really valuable in dance and gymnastics, but as you get older it can feel like it’s a consolation prize for women: “She’s not very strong, but she’s flexible.” Daphnie explains why we all should be striving to increase our flexibility regardless of gender or age (and that doesn’t mean being able to touch your toes or doing the splits. Thank goodness.)

Links in this episode: Circus Juventas in Minnesota, Daphnie's foam rolling video from Gothamista, Our episodes on Foam Rolling and Warming Up

#070 Sexy Arms

If we’re being honest, lots of us are going to the gym to try and get sexy arms, but most of us don’t know what to do other than infinite bicep curls. This week, Daphnie talks us through the anatomy of our upper bodies and gives us a few suggestions for how to strengthen our arms (and the rest of our bodies) as efficiently as possible, because who has time for leg day AND arm day, am I right? Plus, we talk trash about Applebee’s “Lighter Fare” menu in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Good images of upper body anatomy, Terry Crews flexing his pecs, Michael Phelps arm flap, Form Videos: Push-ups, Bent Over RowsDa Vinci man that inspired the stretch, Arm stretches, How to foam roll your upper body

#066 Warming Up

Are you cold? We’re cold. This week, we’re talking about how to warm up when we work out, and also how to just be warmer in life. From jumping jacks and leg swings to noodle soup and saunas, we’re pulling out all the stops to help you get the good kind of sweaty. Plus, Joanna tries to get out of exercising this winter in “Excuse of the Week”.

Links in this episode: How to do Seal JacksHow to do High Knees, How to do Butt Kickers, How to do Leg Swings, Free warm up video from Fitness Blender, Heattech from Uniqlo