#159 Push-Ups

Push-ups! They are very hard, but people keep telling us to do them. Daphnie explains why they are so difficult (there’s an actual reason!) and why you should do them anyway, with lots of tips on correct form and approximately 100 variations so you don’t get bored. Plus we talk mushroom coffee in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Join us on Patreon! Form videos for regular and modified push-ups, tricep push-ups, and 31 push-up variations, Four Sigmatic Mushrooms, Paper on the research into mushrooms

#126 Triceps

Triceps are the muscle that make Joanna the angriest. What do they do, anyway? Why are they so hard to tone? Can’t we just ignore them and they’ll go away? Turns out the answer is no, and Daphnie explains why with tips for building strength in the most annoying of muscles. Plus, we get some cheddar bay biscuits in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Support us on Patreon, Some good images of tricep anatomy. Form videos: push ups, tricep pushups, tricep dip, tricep kickbacks, tricep extension, tricep pushdown, tricep stretch

#070 Sexy Arms

If we’re being honest, lots of us are going to the gym to try and get sexy arms, but most of us don’t know what to do other than infinite bicep curls. This week, Daphnie talks us through the anatomy of our upper bodies and gives us a few suggestions for how to strengthen our arms (and the rest of our bodies) as efficiently as possible, because who has time for leg day AND arm day, am I right? Plus, we talk trash about Applebee’s “Lighter Fare” menu in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Good images of upper body anatomy, Terry Crews flexing his pecs, Michael Phelps arm flap, Form Videos: Push-ups, Bent Over RowsDa Vinci man that inspired the stretch, Arm stretches, How to foam roll your upper body