#178 Kettlebells

It might seem like kettlebells appeared in gyms out of nowhere five years ago, but did you know they’ve actually been around since the 1700s? Daphnie tells us how kettlebells jumped from sexy Russian farmers to modern day gyms and walks us through her favorite kettlebell exercises.

Links in this episode: Kettlebells USA, Form videos: Kettlebell swing, clean, hip hinge, deadlift, swing, Turkish getup, and goblet squat. jerk, snatch

#171 How to Do a Pull-Up

Pull-ups are one of those exercises that it feels like only Super Fit people can do. But there’s got to be a way for normal people to learn if they want, right? Daphnie reveals her deep dark pull-up secret and gives us her three step plan to building up to doing a pull-up of our very own. Plus, we reveal the “healthy” foods we won’t eat in “Real Talk”.

Links in this episode: Difference between pull-up and chin-up grips, Good images of the back muscles, How to use a pull-up assist machine

#159 Push-Ups

Push-ups! They are very hard, but people keep telling us to do them. Daphnie explains why they are so difficult (there’s an actual reason!) and why you should do them anyway, with lots of tips on correct form and approximately 100 variations so you don’t get bored. Plus we talk mushroom coffee in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Join us on Patreon! Form videos for regular and modified push-ups, tricep push-ups, and 31 push-up variations, Four Sigmatic Mushrooms, Paper on the research into mushrooms

#155 Squats and Lunges

There are two essential exercises you can’t escape when you strength train: squats and lunges. Daphnie explains why they matter and how to do them properly, and Joanna makes her come up with approximately one billion variations because no one likes a boring workout. Plus, does Daphnie really eat cookies for breakfast? We find out in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: Form videos for squats, lunges, sumo squats, side lunges, curtsy lunges. Daphnie’s favorite breakfast cookie recipe.

#144 Listener Questions

You asked for it! This week, Joanna and Daphnie answer questions from listeners, covering everything from avocados to spinning to what to do when you can’t motivate yourself to do any exercise besides yoga. Plus, Daphnie gets posh in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: Two episodes from our archives that we mention: “Is it OK to Want to Lose Weight?” and “Building a Workout”, Fitness Blender free online workout videos

#139 Chest Muscles

Like pushing doors open? Picking up groceries? Getting up from the ground? Then you LOVE your chest muscles! Daphnie explains how our pecs work, how we can strengthen them, and how to know if you may have hurt them opening a sticky window. Plus, we talk pancakes in “Best Choice”!

Links in this episode: Punky Brewster bust clip, Our episodes on Backs and Building Functional Strength, Video on foam rolling your pecs, Form videos: Push Up, Dumbbell Chest Press, Tricep Dip, Chest Fly

#131 Quads

Quads are one of the biggest muscle groups in the body, but do you actually know what they do? Daphnie says most of us are quad-dominant, and “not in a good way”. This week, she explains the role our quads play in everyday mobility and suggests some of her favorite exercises to keep our muscles balanced. Plus we give poor Daphnie a heart attack in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Graphics of the quads, Our past episodes on How to Build Functional Strength, Injuries and Prevention, and Recovering from Injuries. Form videos: leg extensionstanding quad stretch, foam rolling quads

#116 Your Butt

As a society, we are obsessed with butts. Kids like talking about them because they have to do with the bathroom. Adults are always panicking about whether their butts are too big or too small. We dance to songs about them and even get butt implants. But at the end of the day, your butt is just a muscle. Or, group of muscles? What is your butt, really? Daphnie explains why your butt is so important. Plus, we discover chickpea pasta in “What Your Trainer Eats”!

Links in this episode: Glute muscle graphicHow to foam roll your butt, Banza chickpea pasta, Banza on Amazon. Form videos for squats, lunges, deadlifts, donkey kick, bird dog, and bridges

#083 How to Build Functional Strength

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a framework for exercise that didn’t have to do with weight loss? Something that focused on making the rest of your life easier and more awesome? That thing exists and it’s called functional strength training! Daphnie gets us set up to train for functional strength at any age so that we can walk farther, jump higher, and keep going to the bathroom solo. Plus, we investigate Daphnie’s sweet tooth in “What Your Trainer Eats”.

Links in this episode: Squat form, Deadlift formPlank form