#170 The Science of Exercise Recovery with Christie Aschwanden

Exercise recovery has become a big industry, promising that even Normal People can get better results with everything from foam rolling to cryogenic chambers to “squeezy pants”. Didn’t recovery used to mean NOT doing anything? Science journalist and former elite athlete Christie Aschwanden digs into the science of recovery in her book Good to Go and lets us know which recovery strategies are actually backed up by science.

Links in this episode: Buy Good to Go on Amazon or other places including bookstores near you, Christie’s website, Christie’s podcast Emerging Form

#153 IT Band

Have you ever gone for a run after a long break and felt pain in your knees after? That’s your IT band talking to you! Daphnie explains what the IT band is, why it seems to cause pain at the drop of a hat, and the cheap and easy solution to getting back on your feet in no time. Plus, we talk reality TV diets in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: Good image of knee with IT band and bursas, How to foam roll your IT band, Our past episodes on Knees, Quads, Hamstrings, and Foam Rolling. Join us on Patreon!

#145 Calves

The more times you say it, the less it sounds like a word. Calves. Callllllvvvves. Caffs? The point is, we’re talking about the muscles of your lower leg. Daphnie explains the anatomy of the calves, why they’re important, how to strengthen them, and whether or not we can really change how they look. Plus: injury prevention tips!

Links in this episode: The anatomy of the calf, Video instruction on how to do calf raises, How to foam roll your calves and how to foam roll for shin splints

#095 Foam Rolling

With how obsessed Daphnie is with foam rolling, we realized it deserved its own episode. Why should we be embarrassing ourselves at the gym by rolling all over these giant foam tubes and yelling in pain? Daphnie makes the case that it will help with recovery, flexibility, and more. Plus, we address the recent coconut oil drama (DRAMA!).

Links in this episode: Daphnie's foam rolling video from Gothamista, Foam roller on Amazon, AHA Report that started the coconut oil backlash, New York Magazine on why coconut oil is still fine, Our episode all about Oil

#078 I'm So Sore

We all want to get more exercise, but the thing is, when we exercise, we get sore. Which is good, right? But also, bad? It feels kind of bad? But maybe it’s good for us? This week, Daphnie explains what getting sore really is, whether it’s good or bad, and how to take care of ourselves when it happens. Plus, we work our arms and shoulders with Daphnie’s Favorite Exercise!

Links in this episode: Pushup progressions, Lunge progressions