#065RR Make a Better Resolution

It’s the first week of January. Did you make a resolution? We’re here to trash it! Just kidding, we’re actually here to help you make a better resolution so you can sustain it and feel like a rockstar instead of feeling like a garbage failure by the end of January (trust us, we’ve been there). Here’s to kickstarting sustainable change! Plus, Daphnie does her best Consumer Reports impression in our latest Listener Question.

Links in this episode: Fitness Blender free workout videosLivestrong free workout videosInfo on Daphnie's HIIT It! classesPolar heart rate monitor under $60Garmin heart rate monitor with GPS for under $130

#072 Should You Track Your Macros?

This week's episode is inspired by a listener question about tracking macros. Tracking what now? Daphnie gives us the rundown on macronutrients and micronutrients, what they do for our bodies, and how we get them. Then, we tackle the question of tracking. When does it help? When might it be hurtful? What are some good strategies for tracking safely? Time to find out!

Links in this episode: Our episodes on Fat, Carbohydrates, and Protein