#166 Pregnancy: Third Trimester

We’re continuing our Pregnancy Series with the Third Trimester! It’s the final countdown, but there’s still tons to do: baby is growing fast, with bones, brains, and more getting ready for the real world. Daphnie and Joanna talk about prepping for labor and delivery, from kegels to classes.

Links in this episode: More on the Third Trimester from What To Expect, Info on kegels from the Cleveland Clinic, Affordable birth classes and more in Brooklyn

#165 Pregnancy: Second Trimester

We’re continuing our Pregnancy Series with the Second Trimester! The middle third of pregnancy gets called The Golden Trimester, but is it also kind of boring? Daphnie and Joanna cover what’s going on in terms of symptoms, what changes might be necessary at the gym, and what to do if a growing pregnant body brings up body image issues.

Links in this episode: Fetal development in the Second Trimester, Old Navy and H&M Maternity, Our episode on Chiropractic Care with Dr. Laura, Pregnancy pillow around $40, Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

#164 Pregnancy: First Trimester

The beginning of pregnancy is the First Trimester. So that’s the first three months, right? Wait, first 13 weeks? But hold on, when do the weeks start? Daphnie and Joanna explain it all, including what’s going on in a pregnant body, what symptoms come along for the ride, and what to think about in terms of fitness and nutrition when the thought of either of those things might make you want to vom. Plus, great early pregnancy resources!

Links in this episode: Menstrual cycle FAQ, Digital pregnancy test that Joanna likes, Info on ectopic pregnancy, Miscarriage risk by week, Expecting Better by Emily Oster, The Pregnancy Podcast and 40 Weeks Podcast

#032RR Fit Pregnancy

To kick off our Pregnancy series, we’re revisiting this episode from May of 2016! Pregnancy is like a secret club where no one wants to tell you anything until you’re a member. Daphnie starts to break down the wall of secrecy by talking about how to treat your body if you’re trying to get pregnant, and how to stay fit and healthy throughout pregnancy. Plus, we talk about one of Daphnie’s favorite Power Foods!

Links in this episode: Environmental Working Group's resources on avoiding toxinsInfo from Mayo Clinic on prenatal yoga, How to do the bird dog exerciseCoconut oil roasted sweet potatoes recipeVegan sweet potato chiliTurkey quinoa sweet potato chiliSweet Potato Bisque with Corn and Jalapenos