#121RR Your Gut Microbiome with Dr. Gabi Fragiadakis

We have 10 times more microbial cells in our body than we have human cells. What are they all doing there? Dr. Gabi Fragiadakis, post-doctoral researcher in Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University, sheds some light on what the microbes in our gut are up to, how they might be affecting our health, and what scientists think we should be eating to keep our microbiome happy.

Links in this episode: Diagram of the GI tractMore info on the mouse obesity fecal transplant experimentMore on the microbiome in babies delivered by c-sectionBreastfeeding and the microbiomeThe Good Gut bookThe Sonnenburg Lab

#049RR Inflammation

Talking about inflammation has gotten trendy recently. Is it really the cause of all of our problems? Daphnie explains the different kinds of inflammation, what the deal is with anti-inflammatory diets, and how we can use reducing inflammation to our advantage. Plus we talk about delicious nutritious olive oil in Power Foods.

Links in this episode: Chronic stress in kids, EWG guide to household cleaners, New Yorker article about inflammation, How strong is the link between inflammation and depression?, More info on probiotics in food4-7-8 breaths , Harvard's list of foods that fight inflammation

#121 Your Gut Microbiome with Dr. Gabi Fragiadakis

We have 10 times more microbial cells in our body than we have human cells. What are they all doing there? Dr. Gabi Fragiadakis, post-doctoral researcher in Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University, sheds some light on what the microbes in our gut are up to, how they might be affecting our health, and what scientists think we should be eating to keep our microbiome happy.

Links in this episode: Diagram of the GI tract, More info on the mouse obesity fecal transplant experimentMore on the microbiome in babies delivered by c-section, Breastfeeding and the microbiomeThe Good Gut book, The Sonnenburg Lab