#104 Listener Questions

You asked for it! This week, Joanna and Daphnie answer questions from listeners, covering everything from smoothie recipes to Ketogenic diets, with a good Question from Joanna’s Dad to round things out. Plus, we learn about Daphnie’s favorite animal in “Best Choice”.

Links in this episode: Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 produce lists, more info on Ketogenic diet, video about Ketogenic diet from Mayo Clinic

#002 Body Image

Joanna and Daphnie take on the issue of body image. Why do we have negative images of our bodies? How can we restore our relationships with our bodies? Joanna and Daphnie get personal about their own body image journies, and Daphnie gives some advice on how to come up with non-stupid affirmations you’ll actually be willing to use. Plus, we take on juice cleanses in “This is Crazy, Right?”