#080 Genetics vs Effort: What Can You Change?

We get lots of messaging that tells us that if we work hard enough and buy the right stuff, we can change literally everything about ourselves. We even hear this from our doctors sometimes! But is it really all about willpower? What is genetic and what is effort? Daphnie and Joanna talk about what we can change and what we should work on accepting about our bodies. Plus, we knock down restriction diets in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: More on BRCA genes and testing from the Mayo Clinic, Article from The Guardian about how trauma can be inherited, Info from the CDC on risk factors for high cholesterol, The Sports Gene by David Epstein

#047 Heart Health

Heart health is super important, and if you're under 40, just about no one is talking about it! It's easy to be so focused on losing weight and looking a certain way that we forget what's really important: prepping our bodies to lead long, healthy, awesome lives. What is your heart's job in the body? What is blood pressure, other than the squeezy part of a doctor visit? How can we use our heart rate to improve our fitness? We cover it all. Plus, Daphnie tells us to suck it up in "Excuse of the Week".

Links in this episode: Heart Disease facts from the CDC, Our episode on mouth health and how it relates to heart health, Blood pressure levels chart, Help to quit smoking in NYC, Map of heart disease dealths from CDC, Red dress campaign from The Heart TruthSimple Polar heart rate monitor under $50, Karvonen heart rate calculator

#042 Watch Your Mouth

Did you know that your mouth health can affect the rest of your body? WE KNOW! Turns out that even though there’s a separate doctor for your teeth and gums, what you do (or don’t do) to your mouth can make a big difference in your heart health, among other things. In this week’s episode, Daphnie gives us some great tips for upping our mouth health game, including oil pulling and tongue scraping (ew!). Plus, we talk about this week’s Power Food: Fish!

Links: Buy a tongue scraper, Buy a "mechanical" toothbrush, Buy some Glide flossGuide to making good fish choices

#040 Salt

Salt warnings are going on to menus in NYC, but what’s the big deal? Do we have to resign ourselves to a lifetime of bland scrambled eggs? Daphnie explains the difference between sodium and salt, where all that extra sodium in our diets is coming from, why that can be a bad thing, and how we can avoid it. Plus, we investigate the “21 Day Fix” in “This is Crazy, Right?”

Links in this episode: NYC's sodium warning labeling law